ESTE ES MI NEGRO OBAMA , PRESIDENTE DE LOS YUNAITED bESTATES/b........ "MI" NEGRO........POR LO LINDO.......POR ESA SONRISITA.......POR QUE SE VE SINCERO.......BUENA GENTE....INTELIGENTE......CON GANAS DE CAMBIAR LA HUEVADA EN QUE QUEDÓ SU PAÍS. b...../b Amanecerá y veremos... c?mo te dije ?jala este no sea la continuaci?n de la pesadilla del arbusto fundamentalista y retr?grado. Qué prefiere... ?Una patita gorda o un bcarapacho/b relleno? ;). 29 de abril de 2009 23:51 ...
Hey there, been a while....just wanted to share some thoughts. My parents as I said are from Graciosa, Azores but I never said what part. They are actually from a little town called LUZ which in engligh means light. ...
Hey there, been a while....just wanted to share some thoughts. My parents as I said are from Graciosa, Azores but I never said what part. They are actually from a little town called LUZ which in engligh means light. ...